With only 5 weeks left in “DSA season”, make sure to submit any notifications for DSA sampling as soon as possible to allow time for testing.  Both CDGRS staff and testing labs can get backed up with everyone trying to squeeze in those last placements.   Remember that the SCC approved changes to the DSA specification in July of 2020 that limited DSA placement to the April 1 through September 30 timeframe unless otherwise approve by the Commission.  DSA notifications submitted after September 10th may not allow sufficient time for sampling and testing to be completed in time. If anyone is thinking of requesting an extension to the September deadline, please submit those as soon as possible as well.

Sample/Testing Notifications:

Notification form can be downloaded here
Please send directly to Dave Morrison at dsatesting@psu.edu

Extension Requests: Contact Dave at the address above, or Roy Richardson at the SCC rrichardso@pa.gov
Placements: The Center may also be available for placement assistance, but contact us early as everyone will be trying to squeeze in those final placements.